Azzawiya Oil Refining Company Inc. (ARC), Azzawiya, Libya, intends to invite Manufactures / Vendors to supply Azzawiya Oil Refining Company, (Complete Pumps with Electric Motor, Belt Drive (Motor Mounted the Pump) for Oil Mixing and Filling Plant Tanks) as per List of Materials for different Quantities and Specifications and must design as per attached drawings / Site visit might be required to collect any technical information / data before the participation of the Tender:
1. Participant should submit with their offers.
2. For any more technical information required, please don’t hesitate to contact Tender Committee to the following address:
Secretary, Tender Committee
Azzawiya Oil Refining Company
Tel.: +218 21 361 0539 to 42 & + 218 23 7620125 to 27
Ext. 5512 / 5510
Direct Fax & Tel. No.: + 218 (0) 23 7628670
1- In order to Receive the procurement documents vendors should pay non-refundable fees equal to (500 Euros) to be credited to our A/C with (BACB) British Arab Commercial Bank within one week from this announcement during working hours.
BACB Bank details are: –
BANK Name: British Arab Commercial Bank PLC.
Address: 8-10 Mansion House Place | London | EC4N 8BJ | UK
Tel: +44 20 7648 7777 | Fax: +44 20 7600 3318
IBAN: GB76BACM23 471200100053
2– Receiving the tender documents starts on Jan 06th, 2024 up to Jan 13th, 2024 from Secretary of Tender Committee Office No, 11 Main department building or via Emails:
3- Submission the offers shall be not later than 13 pm, Feb 03th,2024
4- Offers must be submitted alongside with a refundable bid bond equal to (4000) Euros to be credited to our Account in British Arab Commercial Bank PLC or as (SLBC) confirmed / advised by Libyan Foreign Bank Tripoli.
5- Offers without bid bond will be ignored.
6- Offers Validity must be 90 days from the offer issued date.
7- If the bidder withdraws before the date of opening envelopes, he loses his deposit amount without the need for Azzawiya Company to resort to the judiciary.
8- The successful bidder shall submit (10%) of the purchase order value within two weeks who being notified of this, and the company shall keep it until 30 days from receiving the materials.
For any query, please contact the following address: –
Secretary, Tender Committee
Azzawiya Oil Refining Company
Tel.: +218 21 361 0539 to 42 & + 218 23 7620125 to 27
Ext. 5512 / 5510
Direct Fax & Tel. No.: + 218 (0) 23 7628670
Website: Chairman, Tender Committee